Friday, January 22, 2016

One of Twelve

Hello Lovelies. My name is Jordan Nicole. 2016 is here. An entirely new year just rolled around so quickly that I am still staring 2014 in the eye. I'm not sure if aging just gives you a different perspective on time or if you just have less variety to break up the years but I feel like I have managed to blink and miss a few.

I don't want to have another year roll by without really taking the time to see it. I think that New Years resolutions are a positive thing but maybe the focus of them should be a little less vain and a little more retrospective. I think that as the digital world becomes a larger part of the real world we all need to be sure to stop and take a harder look at the real one. Experience each moment. Make memories that can break up time because in its essence time is an illusion. Unless you create moments that can define it, then time blurs together.

One of my goals for this year is to live moments. Live them in a way that makes them memorable. I want to cherish my relationships as well as myself. Alone time can be as meaningful as any experience with others. Those are the moments that really define who you are. When you only have yourself then you aren't putting on a facade for the world to see. You are the only person that you know will always be there with you. Might as well get to know yourself.

Lets spend time this year creating memories. Lets spend this year cherishing the time we are given, you can't get it back. Lets spend this year nurturing our relationships with the people who we hold near to our hearts. Lets spend this year changing, observing, learning and growing.

I'm not there yet, but I'm on my way.

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